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Jose Azevedo Product Development Manager | Biscuit Expert | Subject Matter Expert and Biscuit manufacturer
Baking thick chocolate chips cookies
Hello, does anyone have tips on how to completely bake a higher than 10 mm height wirecut chocolate chip dough piece, or any way to decrease this thickness prior to oven, without changing die cup diameter? It is baked in solid steel band in a 5-zone...
Analyzing biscuits
Dear all, Anybody that would like to share any thoughts with regards to analyzing methods for biscuits? Mainly on T/A equipment. What do you find most relevant ? Could be hardness, crispiness, audio test?  Christian 
Back side color problem
Dear all Any can help on attached image, hard biscuit “Small Size” always show  white color in back side  It is oven issue or recipe issue ?  I have hyper oven 32 m (1 direct gas, 2 zones), we incressd zone 2 and zone 3 - down temperature but st...
anil gautam in S S Diet And Food Industries Pvt. Ltd. and
Regarding Prawn Crackers
Hello great people of this group. My question is not exactly related to biscuits. I am wondering if any one can help me in Prawn Crackers. I am searching for a proper recipe of Prawn Crackers for industrial purpose. It would be a great help if you co...
Phillip Meile and
Problem with snack cracker (Dough with protease)
I formulate a Snack cracker similar to ritz or club type, and i got the adequate texture, color and flavor in the finished product, but the surface of the biscuit is rough. What can I do to get a smooth surface in this cracker type? Thank You
Oven zone lengths
How designers decide oven zone length, no. of zones required for given biscuit variant? 
Biscuit weight reduction
Dear Sirs,   I want to reduce the weight of biscuit and maintain the dimension. Currently  I am using 1.5% ammonium bicarbonate and 1.3% sodium bicarbonate. I also have 0.1% yeast in my recipe. Do you have any suggestion to reduce the weight....
Aurangzeb khan Chief Operating Officer-COO Cerealia Group of Companies in Food Technologist and Other
Cookies crumbliness
Product: wirecute cookies Product is egg and milk cookies and facing issue of crumbliness, softness. we tried to adjust from reducing fat quantities and from mixing sequence but issue still persisting.  product is getting crumbly, it means crumbs p...
Kumar Application Technologist and
Ritz Cracker recipe and Its method of preparation (Lab trial)
Hello Everyone..can anyone help me with balanced Ritz cracker recipe and its method of preparation? and i can do the trial in lab scale only. so please explain me the sequence of ingredients to be added, lamination process and baking temp and time.(w...
Laminator RPM speed for soda crackers
What is the rpm that a 4-6 roll laminatos shold work. Should all rollers work at same RPM´s?
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15 biscuits
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Iain Davidson
Director, Baker Pacific
1,050 biscuits
Lutz Popper
Scientific Director
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Jos Vast
Managing Partner/ Founder/ Senior Bakery Consultant
530 biscuits
George W Wright
Bakery Consultant, International Food Processing Consultancy
405 biscuits
Jacob van Kogelenberg
40 years experience in packaging
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Santiago Marino
Biscuit Technology Consultant
370 biscuits
Evita Riviani Achmadi
Food Consultant | Raw Material, Product Development, Formulator, Packaging...
355 biscuits
Jose Azevedo
Product Development Manager | Biscuit Expert | Subject Matter Expert
350 biscuits
Mrs Beyhan Ozenli
Bakery Consultant
340 biscuits
Srinivasan Subramaniam
.I am ex britannian (Britannia Industries ltd) and into all the fields of b...
315 biscuits

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