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Wafer Sheets with Shorghum Flour
We are currently using Refined wheat flour for baking wafer sheets. We tried using Sorghum (Jowar) wheat flour for baking the wafer sheets but we are facing problems. Can we please know a stable process to bake wafer sheets with Sorghum wheat flour....
Wafer Sheet Smell
I have a single wafer sheet maker for lab trials. I am using a normal wafer-making recipe with smbs and protease enzyme (bio-bake) in the recipe. After some days it develops a smell like burnt corn. What may be the problem? For 100kgs of maida, I...
Omar Schmidt Development of New Product & Process Bakery Consultant and Consultant
Eat my Cup - Technology and Ingredients Used in Edible Coffee Cups
Do you know what kind of technology and what kind of ingredients are used to make edible cups for coffee? Specifically, I am interested in understanding the process and materials used to create these innovative cups that can be consumed after use....
Waffle cone inflated
Hello, we are producing wafle cones 160mm in length in an automatic 37 mould oven on the rate of 1300- 1500 cones per hour. We have a problem that some of the wafers tend to get inflated as soon as the mould opens after cooking. This makes the waf...
Wafer Cream Consistency - How to Get Heavier, and Harder Cream?
Our wafer cream is light, (s.g. 0.9) (we are mixing the cream with a beater in a planetary mixer) and soft. We would like to get a cream with totally different eating quality. Please advise how we can get heavier, and harder cream.Thanks.
Protein crunchy wafer - How to get the filling to be more spreadable?
Hello,we are developing new protein enriched wafer. To get the optimum level of protein content, we put 25% milk protein isolate inside of the filling, but our main problem is how to get the filling to be more spreadable? While spreading protein enri...
Jack Zeidan and
Wafer sticks (wafer flutes) recipe
Hello,Can anybody suggest a good wafer sticks book has a good recipe and some information on how to run the machine?Thank you
How to get a more light color in sugar biscuit cones? 🍦
Hello we are a ice cone manufacturing company in our sugar cone baking ovens we have the problem that the cone comes out wit a dark  brown color, we have to increase lecithin  content  and temperature in order to get the cones rolled our  basic ingre...
Sara Han and Other
Looking for caramel suppliers for wafers
Hi Biscuit People,I have a question for you.. Which raw material suppliers are the best if I want to make wafers with low water activity caramel filling? Thank you in advance
Appearance of white spots on the wafer cone, how to resolve?
Dear group members. Does anyone know how to explain/solve the problem of white spots on the wafer cone as shown in the photo below. What could be causing these spots on the wafer cone?We used the Walterwerk kiel germany wafer machine model Jupiter 69...
1-10 of 37 items
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Director, Baker Pacific
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Bakery Consultant, International Food Processing Consultancy
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Jacob van Kogelenberg
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Jose Azevedo
Product Development Manager | Biscuit Expert | Subject Matter Expert
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Mrs Beyhan Ozenli
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Srinivasan Subramaniam
.I am ex britannian (Britannia Industries ltd) and into all the fields of b...
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