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Jose Azevedo Product Development Manager | Biscuit Expert | Subject Matter Expert and Biscuit manufacturer
Baking thick chocolate chips cookies
Hello, does anyone have tips on how to completely bake a higher than 10 mm height wirecut chocolate chip dough piece, or any way to decrease this thickness prior to oven, without changing die cup diameter? It is baked in solid steel band in a 5-zone...
John Lulu and Biscuit manufacturer
How to decrease dough color?
How can we decrease dough color, towards to white, because our crispy dough turn to yellow, Thanks your opinion
How to improve my product filling, shelf life & texture?
Hello, I am opening this topic to ask you for advice on different issues that I have in the production of my Chocolate Cookie. As you can see the picture attached, my product is a chocolate filled biscuit. My challenges are 1. I can not have a she...
Aurangzeb khan Chief Operating Officer-COO Cerealia Group of Companies in Food Technologist and Other
Cookies crumbliness
Product: wirecute cookies Product is egg and milk cookies and facing issue of crumbliness, softness. we tried to adjust from reducing fat quantities and from mixing sequence but issue still persisting.  product is getting crumbly, it means crumbs p...
crunchy savoury deposit cookie recipe
can anybody share different type of cruncy savoury deposit cookie recipe.. thnks
Imperfection in shortbread cookies using rotary cookie machine
Hi Everyone,We recently bought a rotary moulder and started making shortbread cookies. We have several rollers and some are really forgiving and make great cookies with different recipies but the one we need to use is not forgiving at all and we cann...
Aurangzeb khan Chief Operating Officer-COO Cerealia Group of Companies in Food Technologist and Other
Scratch bottom on cookies on steel band
How we can avoid scratch bottom on cookies at startup of plant. Whenever I start production as oven band is not lubricate or more heated it catches the bottom at end of oven outlet I have to discard that product at least 1 oven to get it settle down...
Aurangzeb khan Chief Operating Officer-COO Cerealia Group of Companies in Food Technologist and Other
Black Carbon Particals on Bottom of Product at Steel Band Oven
I have a cookie product that run on Steel Band. Currently after few days (15-20 days) i observe black carbon particals problem on bottom of product. result is i have to discard that product. as a corrective measure i have to plan band cleaning on mai...
Vanilla Cream Filling
Hi,I hope someone could kindly share the recipe for vanilla cream filling, the type used for Oreo cookies.Thanks.
Jose Azevedo Product Development Manager | Biscuit Expert | Subject Matter Expert and Biscuit manufacturer
Best dough piece forming equipment for cookies with high amount of chocolate chips
What is the best equipment configuration for making wire-cut/extruded cookies with high amount (>20%) of chips, without damaging them, at a relatively high speed (>90 cuts per minute)?
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.I am ex britannian (Britannia Industries ltd) and into all the fields of b...
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