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Wafer maker - Bench Top
Hi. May I know if there is any wafer maker machine (bench top) available in the market? Bench top type suitable for lab scale. I am wondering if ice cream cone waffle maker is suitable to be used to make wafer sheet. Link below. https://www.youtub...
Sandro Fonseca . in Biotec Biscoitos e Processos and Consultant
Sandwich cream
Does anyone have the parts manual in pdf of the Italian cream sandwich from Verplanet model SM 3200 year 2002, could you forward a copy?
Jose Azevedo Product Development Manager | Biscuit Expert | Subject Matter Expert and Biscuit manufacturer
Laminated snack crackers in steel belts?
Hello. Has anyone ever tried to make laminated biscuits (snack cracker type) in steel oven band? Besides the blisters that may occur under the dough pieces, any other potential issues related to heat transfer limitation (development, stack height...
Jose Azevedo Product Development Manager | Biscuit Expert | Subject Matter Expert and Biscuit manufacturer
Rancidity in hard sweet laminated biscuits
Recently, we have noticed some degree of rancidity in Maria biscuits. Dough fat melting point is 42º C, but sometimes bulk fat arrives at 67ºC from supplier, when I believe that it should be maximum 55ºC. Besides that, could line belts and equipment...
Jose Azevedo Product Development Manager | Biscuit Expert | Subject Matter Expert and Biscuit manufacturer
Safflower Oil use in moulded biscuit dough
Has anyone ever used safflower oil on moulded biscuit dough? After replacing sunflower oil by it in a trial (1:1), it was impossible to extract dough pieces in good condition (they seem to be dry and heterogeneous). Should I make changes in oil quant...
Caramel biscuits
Hello I want to ask the specialists for help.  To contact me for soft and hard biscuit recipes And can i help me with a caramel cookie recipe? Thank you very much
Speculas Recipe
Hello everyone  Please can you help me with a recipe and how to make a speculas biscuit And what are the spices that have been added to it thank you very much
Recipe Yield
I'm in bread making business but now want to expand into biscuit manufacture, so I've got a burning question: how much baked biscuit in the way of weight can 50 kg of Flour yield using a typical petit buerre recipe (if you can state ingredients used...
Diabetes Biscuit
Dear Sir,  I need a recipe of diabetes or sugar free biscuit. Can you plz  help me? 
Hard Dough
Dear All,  I am producing hard dough crackers biscuit like salty and vegetable crackers. Now i would like to do production without fermentation by using hot water in dough! If i do thisঃ 1. How many hot water need? 2. What temperature will be of w...
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15 biscuits
Top TechTalkers
Iain Davidson
Director, Baker Pacific
1,050 biscuits
Lutz Popper
Scientific Director
700 biscuits
Jos Vast
Managing Partner/ Founder/ Senior Bakery Consultant
530 biscuits
George W Wright
Bakery Consultant, International Food Processing Consultancy
405 biscuits
Jacob van Kogelenberg
40 years experience in packaging
400 biscuits
Santiago Marino
Biscuit Technology Consultant
370 biscuits
Evita Riviani Achmadi
Food Consultant | Raw Material, Product Development, Formulator, Packaging...
355 biscuits
Jose Azevedo
Product Development Manager | Biscuit Expert | Subject Matter Expert
355 biscuits
Mrs Beyhan Ozenli
Bakery Consultant
340 biscuits
Srinivasan Subramaniam
.I am ex britannian (Britannia Industries ltd) and into all the fields of b...
315 biscuits

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