Jos Vast
Jos Vast Managing Partner/ Founder/ Senior Bakery Consultant in Bakery Academy and Consultant
Jos Vast
Bakery Academy
Managing Partner/ Founder/ Senior Bakery Consultant
530 biscuits
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Bakery Academy
Bakery Academy
Bakery Academy was founded in 2009 as a bakery consultancy firm for the counter-movement to disappearance of knowledge, expertise and experience in bakery.
Garibaldi Biscuit
Hello everyone Thank you for providing a platform for those who are interested in the bakery and biscuit industry to gather and use the information of the professors. We are preparing ourselves to p...
Garibaldi Biscuit
Hello everyone Thank you for providing a platform for those who are interested in the bakery and biscuit industry to gather and use the information of the professors. We are preparing ourselves to p...
How to reduce swarf on biscuits from rotary moulder
Hi, Is there a way to reduce the excess dough around biscuits dropped from a rotary moulder? This recipe is close to shortbread, pressed through a Deighton Rotary Moulder 2200. There are the same res...
Laminated snack crackers in steel belts?
Hello. Has anyone ever tried to make laminated biscuits (snack cracker type) in steel oven band? Besides the blisters that may occur under the dough pieces, any other potential issues related to h...
Laminated Cracker Seasoning Application
Hello All, we here at Paradise Foods (Papua New Guinea) have been manufacturing crackers for 30 years with the same old seasoning/vegetable oil slurry spraying application that is continuing to have...
Seeking a mechanical icing solution
I have a small production facility (260 sq ft), turning out 1,000 biscuits per day. It's just me and I have automated the mixing, moulding and bagging, but icing is still done by hand dipping. The bi...
Jos Vast
Jos Vast wrote article
01 January 2021
Shelf Life - Introduction
Shelf Life - Introduction
This article is going to give you an answer: What is the shelf life of food and its meaning? Importance of shelf life and what can impact on prolonged shelf-life?
Safflower Oil use in moulded biscuit dough
Has anyone ever used safflower oil on moulded biscuit dough? After replacing sunflower oil by it in a trial (1:1), it was impossible to extract dough pieces in good condition (they seem to be dry and...
Speculas Recipe
Hello everyone  Please can you help me with a recipe and how to make a speculas biscuit And what are the spices that have been added to it thank you very much
First time doing crackers I have some problems
Hello experts, exited to have peolple who can help me!   I am trying to make very thin crackers something like italian Sfoglie, with diferent toppings to flavor.  The dough is made with flour, potatoe...
Problems with mold and product longevity
Greetings I am a producer of traditional biscuits made in my country, they consist of a soft dough with about 16% water and 4% fat, a mixture of 2% sunflower oil and 2% palm oil and a layer of fondan...
Stability of plain flat wafers
We are looking to increase the stability and immunity to absorbed humidity of our plain flat wafers. What are the main issues to look into? Thanks
Post bake jam deposite on cookie
Dear all , as mentioned on the topic , I faced an issue when the jam (aw0.5)deposit on the cookie ,it turns really soggy after 3-4 months where I expected to stay crispy for a year. Any possible ways...
struggling to source die inserts
Hi, l have been trying to source die inserts for a rotary moulder (which does not belong to me) hence blasting is not possible, this is a new product, in an attempt to tackle inconsistent extraction i...
Hello Panda Recipes
Dear All; Can any one help me on the recipes of hello panda biscuit? I need the recipe for biscuit to be able to injected with chocolate 
dough stick on forming roller
dear all, photo attached show the scenario during forming process of modified starch based dough.  the dough do not contain any flour thus , no gluten is form .  any one had come across this issue bef...
Long term course to learn biscuit technology in depth.
Is there any long term course what I can learn to have indepth concepts on biscuit and drinks technology .  I want to learn yhe entire process like; ingredients, about manufacturing equipments requir...
Chocolate Filling
Hi I am looking some advice  about Chocolate and Jam filled cookies ( co extruded Encrusted ) base on the following point . 1. What characteristics need for the chocolate & Jam ? 2.What kind of...
Chocolate Filling
Hi I am looking some advice  about Chocolate and Jam filled cookies ( co extruded Encrusted ) base on the following point . 1. What characteristics need for the chocolate & Jam ? 2.What kind of...
Rnd outsource
Hi , I'm looking for Rnd outsource , making low aw caramel or fruit jam filling . Application for wafers and biscuit 
Starting biscuit production
I have no experience in biscuit production but want to go into the industry in Nigeria. I will really appreciate if you can guide me STEP BY STEP on how to start. First the kind of equipment required...
How we can increase or decrease biscuit/cracker size until can packaging them well?
How we can increase or decrease biscuit/cracker size until can packaging them well?
Caramel wafer
what is the best solution for raising of caramel wafer shelf life and be soft in all over its shelf life?
Cooling conveyor
What should be ideal length of the cooling conveyor? We all know the traidiotnal thumb rule of 1.5 times the length of the oven but does that apply for all kind of biscuits? Factories are getting more...
Natural alternatives for gluten modification in biscuit doughs
What would be the best natural alternatives to SMS, L-cysteine, enzymes for wheat flour gluten modification in hard biscuit dough processing ?
Jos Vast
Jos Vast joined
02 October 2017
Graduated as MSc in Technical Business Sciences at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, performed several handson and managerial functions until finding his spot on R&D and Quality department within the f...