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Best Practices for Cleaning a Stencil Hopper
Does anyone have a method to clean a stencil hopper when changing flavours or after production? Can I use water, or should I make a dry cleanning? Should I fully dismantle the screw, pumps and pipes?
Effective Strategies for Reducing Fat in Healthy Biscuit Formulations
What is the most effective way to reduce fat in the biscuit for healthy biscuit formulation? It is reduce fat or looking for alternative ingredient which has similar function with fat.
Jose Azevedo Product Development Manager | Biscuit Expert | Subject Matter Expert and Biscuit manufacturer
Optimal Temperatures for Cream-Filled Sandwich Biscuit
What are the recommended temperatures and cooling profile for a cream fillied (sandwich) biscuit cooling tunnel, considering a line with 4-5 in baking time?
Very thin cracker
I wonder there will be any issue in making very thin crackers, (2mm thick, non laminated, 30x30mm dimension) with a large cracker line. If there are any issues, what equipment is suitable?
Matthew Linja Mixing and R and D Manager and Biscuit manufacturer
CB5 Oven Belt Got Wet
The CB5 mesh oven belt on our Direct Fired Oven was thoroughly soaked with water and possibly cleaning chemicals. It has rusted and is unusable as you can imagine. Does anyone have any ideas or tips on how to clean or recondition it?
Omar Schmidt Development of New Product & Process Bakery Consultant and Consultant
Water-Based Filling with Low Water Activity
To produce a water-based filling with low water activity, do you suggest any modified starch to achieve this condition? I need the filling to be liquid in the balance and at the same time the biscuit to be more crunchy.
Georgi DM and Biscuit manufacturer
Injection-soft cookies
Hello, I would be interested in some details about obtaining some soft stuffed cookies on industrial line. If there is an injection part after baking, what should the filling be like (for example, the fruit one)? most importantly, what would be the o...
Consulting requirement for West Africa project
Hi biscuit people! We are looking for experimented consult that can work with our company on a business plan, recipes and cost studies. Thanks
Wafer Sheet Smell
I have a single wafer sheet maker for lab trials. I am using a normal wafer-making recipe with smbs and protease enzyme (bio-bake) in the recipe. After some days it develops a smell like burnt corn. What may be the problem? For 100kgs of maida, I...
Fruits in Biscuits
I want to make biscuits with dried fruits such as blueberry, strawberry and the likes. What would the requirements for the fruits be and what would the process be?
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15 biscuits
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Iain Davidson
Director, Baker Pacific
1,050 biscuits
Lutz Popper
Scientific Director
700 biscuits
Jos Vast
Managing Partner/ Founder/ Senior Bakery Consultant
530 biscuits
George W Wright
Bakery Consultant, International Food Processing Consultancy
405 biscuits
Jacob van Kogelenberg
40 years experience in packaging
400 biscuits
Santiago Marino
Biscuit Technology Consultant
370 biscuits
Evita Riviani Achmadi
Food Consultant | Raw Material, Product Development, Formulator, Packaging...
355 biscuits
Jose Azevedo
Product Development Manager | Biscuit Expert | Subject Matter Expert
355 biscuits
Mrs Beyhan Ozenli
Bakery Consultant
340 biscuits
Srinivasan Subramaniam
.I am ex britannian (Britannia Industries ltd) and into all the fields of b...
315 biscuits

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