Roberto de Miguel
Roberto de Miguel
R&D Manager Florbú (La Flor Burgalesa, S.L.)- Biscuits Expert
10 biscuits
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Hard Dough Biscuit
I am having a problem with my biscuits; they are not rising to the level I want.
How to Bake High-Quality Cookies from Frozen Dough?
I want to make cookie product using frozen cookie dough. My planning is take a cookie dough from freezer and bake it to get good quality of cookie. What kind of parameter which I need to monitor and m...
How to Reduce Vibration and Ensure Uniform Pinch and Cut in Crackers
In a line of crackers, the rotary cutter has a permanent vibration that makes that the pinch and the cut are not homogeneously marked. How can I reduce this vibration or oscillation?
Effective Strategies for Reducing Fat in Healthy Biscuit Formulations
What is the most effective way to reduce fat in the biscuit for healthy biscuit formulation? It is reduce fat or looking for alternative ingredient which has similar function with fat.
Hard and soft dought biscuit production
Hi biscuit people! We are looking for experimented consult that can work with our company on a business plan, recipes and cost studies. Thanks
Actually R&D Manager in Florbú Biscuits. Over 30 years of experience in various biscuits companies in Spain and Portugal.