Annelyse Bartolo
Annelyse Bartolo Technical Manager in Consolidated Biscuit Co. Ltd. and Biscuit manufacturer
Annelyse Bartolo
Consolidated Biscuit Co. Ltd.
Technical Manager
160 biscuits
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The Functional Properties of Sugar in Biscuits
The Functional Properties of Sugar in Biscuits
Why put sugar in biscuits? Learn about the functional properties of sugar in Biscuits. Sugar is used in various types of biscuits.
Acrylamide Awareness
Acrylamide Awareness
Insights on the acrylamide in food. What is Acrylamide? Acrylamide in its pure form is a white, odourless, crystalline organic compound belonging to the amide group.
Checking in Crackers
Checking in Crackers
Checking is a phenomenon which occurs when small hairline cracks develop in biscuits and crackers. These may consequently result in breakage when the product is exposed to minimal force.
Annelyse Bartolo is currently working for Consolidated Biscuit Co. Ltd in Malta. She has been working with this company since 2009 starting off her career as a Quality Assurance Manager and then movin...
Cream Crackers
Cream Crackers
Devon Cream Crackers are a crispy, golden and creamy cracker. They are an ideal snack with your favourite topping and the classic cracker for cheese.
Premium Crackers: Sea Salt & Pepper
Premium Crackers: Sea Salt & Pepper
Devon Premium Crackers with Sea Salt & Black Pepper is a new product being launched in Novemeber 2016
Consolidated Biscuit Co. Ltd.
Consolidated Biscuit Co. Ltd.
Consolidated Biscuit, set up in 1982, is mostly known as the Cracker Company due to the technical know-how in developing products for European Brands.