Maren Düsterloh
Maren Düsterloh Manager Marketing & Communications in IPCO Sweden AB and Equipment manufacturer
Maren Düsterloh
IPCO Sweden AB
Manager Marketing & Communications
0 biscuits
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IPCO Laser Cleaner
IPCO Laser Cleaner
Fast high power laser cleaning service for bake oven belts - quick, clean, green and safe
Solid Steel Belts
Solid Steel Belts
Solid steel belts for more versatility when baking cookies & biscuits.
Chocolate cooler: Chip & Chunk moulding line CCM 1500
Chocolate cooler: Chip & Chunk moulding line CCM 1500
The IPCO Triple Pass Steel Belt Cooler offers outstanding production versatility, enabling high capacity production of e.g. chips and chunks.
Maren Düsterloh is Manager Marketing & Communications for the steel belt department at IPCO where her career started in 2001.
IPCO Sweden AB
IPCO Sweden AB
IPCO is the world’s largest manufacturer of solid and perforated bake oven steel belts, supplying efficient conveying solutions.
Steel belt conveyor systems
Steel belt conveyor systems
The unique sales proposition of a steel belt conveyor lies in its physical form: no other material can compete when it comes to a steel belt’s baking qualities.
Perforated Steel Belt
Perforated Steel Belt
Perforated steel belts for more versatility when baking cookies & biscuits.