The people

Meet the Driving Force of Biscuit Industry
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5,272 results
R&D manager; Senior Technologist with 14 years of experience in confectionery industy
0 biscuits
George W Wright
Bakery Consultant, International Food Processing Consultancy
405 biscuits
Diana Zahn
Marketing Manager Food
0 biscuits
Brett Beardsell
Chocolate and Cocoa Consultant : >35years experience in line set up and optimisation - cost optimisation - coaching and training - quality improvement
40 biscuits
Join the Biscuit People community today, and let's bake the world a better place, one cookie at a time!
Ken Zvoncheck
Director of Process Technology
20 biscuits
Sonia Maria Broglio
Food Engineer - working as a Consultant since 2011, with more than 20 years of experience with cookies and crackers.
135 biscuits