Prabir Kumar Paul
Prabir Kumar Paul
10 biscuits
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What is a high fructose corn syrup relative sweetness?
what is d high fructose corn syrup relative sweetness with sugar can we replace 100 % sugar with high fructose corn syrup  or plz suggest alternative bcoz in some of the country the importation of s...
Regarding : Less Invert syrup usage in biscuit making
Hello every one, Now a days a trend is going on Biscuit industry that less usage of Invert syrup,Due to its Carciogen impact like Alkalamide (which comes from the reaction from amino acids and Mailla...
Is there any relationship in the final quality of Biscuits & the fineness of SBC?
Is there any relationship in the final quality of Biscuits & the fineness of SBC?
How does the quality of the Biscuits vary / change with melting point or slip melting point of HVF or HVO?
How does the quality of the Biscuits vary / change with melting point or slip melting point of HVF or HVO?