The people

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5,225 results
Domenico Cassone
Retired Principle Scientist
0 biscuits
Marcos Fregati
Industrial Process Manager
10 biscuits
Omar Schmidt
Development of New Product & Process Bakery Consultant
65 biscuits
Roberto de Miguel
R&D Manager Florbú (La Flor Burgalesa, S.L.)- Biscuits Expert
10 biscuits
Andrew Dinhidza
Am the Chief Operating Officer for Lobels Biscuits and Sweets Zimbabwe
25 biscuits
Join the Biscuit People community today, and let's bake the world a better place, one cookie at a time!
Kevin Knott
Baking Consultant/ Engineer
40 biscuits
Mrs Beyhan Ozenli
Bakery Consultant
340 biscuits
Gabrie Lansbergen
20 biscuits
jk saha
25 biscuits