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Built to cope with many food processing and packaging applications, the Habasit Premium TPU food belts combine proven quality with state-of-the-art features supporting key customer needs: optimal line yields, longer service life, and enhanced food safety.
Habasit Premium TPU belts perform at temperatures of up to 110 °C / 230 °F continuously admissible. Particularly in bakery applications, this means a significantly extended belt service life, with a lower risk of joint damage. Higher temperature resistance also eliminates delamination, thus improving food safety.
Enhanced resistance to hydrolysis and better chemical resistance are achieved with a new TPU formulation. This results in better resistance to humidity, improved belt service life, and better food hygiene
A combination of spun fabrics and non-fray knitwear making up the belt design limits the risk of tearing long fibers out of the coating layers, which substantially improves belt service life and food safety. This combination is also nosebar suitable, permitting use with tight transfers.
A new impregnation formula for the reverse/running side ensures very low ingress of water and oils, which improves processing hygiene and prevents microbial growth on the belt running side.